Friday, June 1, 2012

Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit BuySaleCheap

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Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit

Customer Rating :
Rating: 3.9

List Price : $54.49
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Product Description

Ultimate Fasting Cleanse is a 5-day program to help renew and nourish you body.* It provides formulas to support your body while you fast.* The digestive system feeds the brain, liver, heart and every other organ, gland and tissue in the body, right down to the cellular level. When compromised, your digestive system can no longer keep nutrition intake and waste elimination running smoothly, thereby affecting your physical vitality and overall well-being.

  • Part 1: Colon Clear™-Promotes healthy daily bowel movements to help eliminate waste*
  • Part 2: Fiber Fortification™-Enhances digestion & elimination.* Rich in fiber to help promote cleansing*
  • Part 3: Liver Clear™-Well-balanced nutrients to promote liver health*
  • Part 4: Appetite Control™-Powerful herbal blend to promote healthy digestion*
  • Part 5: Super Nutrition™-Broad spectrum of phytonutrients provide a nutritional boost*

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Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
66 Reviews
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96 of 97 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Tough, but Rewarding, July 21, 2008
Marlowe (Cleveland, OH) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit (Health and Beauty)
I tried this fast as a way to investigate a suspected food allergy and to just reset my body.

During the fast:
I had caffeine headaches for the first 2 days but these went away. Day 2 was the hardest by far - got a little easier after that. My sense of smell increased so that I could smell a neighbor's grill 2 blocks away. Unlike some reviewers, I had a drop in energy. Some tasks took me longer to complete due to lack of focus. I realized how much of eating is either social or due to boredom. While I definitely went through periods of hunger, some of it was due to routine. Didn't experience too many side effects: face broke out just a little, bathroom visits were few (but substantial), dry skin and hair.

After the fast:
Did feel more focused and energetic, although true energy levels took a couple days to reset 100%. Took a few more days off from jogging.
Lost weight in face and stomach. I'm guessing the lack of salt helped decrease face puffiness... Read more
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61 of 65 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Feel lighter, cleaner and more energetic in 5 days!, February 16, 2006
M. Halos "Happy Mommy" (Minnesota, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit (Health and Beauty)
I just can't get enough of this fasting program. I have been on it 3 times in the past year and have experience exceptional results each time! I feel so clean internally afterwards, plus I have higher levels of energy and clarity of thought. As a result of fasting I have eliminated the need to take anti-inflammatories and have discovered that I am allergic to dairy products. The 5 days of fasting takes a lot of self-control, but the results are worth the effort! I haven't experienced any problems during my fasts, no headaches or shakes. I didn't even get hungry - probably a result of the appetite control tablets in the kit. I think the most difficult part and the most important part of each of my fasts have been "breaking the fasts". You need to be careful about what foods to introduce back into your diet and when to add them. I usually start back on very bland fruits, vegetables and brown rice. Each day I add something new. I am very careful to drink plenty of purified water... Read more
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53 of 57 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Tough one!, March 26, 2008
This review is from: Nature's Secret 5-Day Fast and Cleanse Kit (Health and Beauty)
I am a first time user and it was TOUGH! I was just too hungry. I think that a week or so before you start you should start cutting down on calories because it is such a shock on you body. I drank organic juices along with all the water that is required and it will fill your stomach but not satisfy the hunger. By day 3 I had a cup of steamed veggies for dinner. The fiber is not too bad if you take it with juice. The pills can be an overload after a while, but all that is nothing compared to the starvation feeling I had during the week.

Overall the product works because I noticed a big difference in my bowel movements even though I cheated by eating veggies and fruits. I would do it again but I would have to be more disciplined in my diet before starting it.
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